
I am always after the next, new hobby. I'm a serial hobbyist. I try something, and do it not half badly, but then I get intrigued by something else, and I'm off again. So, after over 1/2 century of this behavior, I'm going to be stern with myself. My 'newest' shiny is anticlastic metalworking. My experience in metalworking? One introduction metalsmithing class at the local University Craft Center where I learned about safety and a youtube video. I kid you not.

So my goal is to do an anticlastic piece almost every day and record the results over the next year. See what I learn, see what happens, see the ideas, see what I do with it, see where it ends up! Wish me luck.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 21

  8:46pm - I wanted to try a square piece of copper. Paper jet, anyone? 

After hammering, it was...uninspiring. Maybe more aero, but not interesting at all to me.

So the good thing about this is the freedom to do any darn thing I want. So I got out my snips.

NOW here's a discovery I made. I don't need tin snips to cut this gauge of copper sheet! Argh. I just ordered not one, but two different kinds of cutters. 

My many year old Fiskars cutters work just fine. Sigh.

So I snipped. Those little flaps are removed, and I hammered more.


It's only a bezel loosely around my agatized dino cab, because I still don't have tools to solder at home. Or...sheet copper for the bottom. But you get the idea! I like the curl over the cab. And the inklings of adding wire wrapping murmured in my inner ear. 

To leave myself freedom to fill 365 days, some days will be handforging, others may be putting components together, and 'finished pieces' or ideas pieced together. Yes, I already began stressing how this is going to work when I go back to work after summer is over, and already looking at my 'to do' as far as other obligations. 

AND, thankfully, I think my spending spree is pretty much over, and I should have the basics of what I need on it's way.

NOTE: Borax and salt for homemade flux bombed. 

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